Welcome to my website, where I've posted information about myself and my past, especially with regard to having infantile paralysis at the age of four, plus a variety of things I've written over the years, including essays, stories and poems.

Some opt for a blog to share their observations, opinions, personal information, thoughts, feeling, and so on.  I prefer to have a web site.  Why?  For one thing, the structure and flexibility of a web site allows visitors to pick and choose what they want to see and the order in which they see it.  And for another thing, making web sites is one of the things I do.

So click on the navigation links above to learn more about me, read things I've written, find out about my other websites plus other links, and contact me, should you wish to.

-Roger A. Russell, Ph.D.



P.S. (sort of) Wonder why I call my website Ruminations and Reflections?  Well, yes, it does contain various ruminations and reflections (i.e., things I've thought of and about), but...well, my initials are R.A.R. (Ruminations And Reflections).  There, that tells you something about me right off the bat (as opposed, I guess, to on the bat, or is it on the fly?)